Community Development is one of the biggest strengths of temporary and permanent digital networks. Social Media have given a great example of the power of digital networking.
Events and conferences provide a great niche for experts to connect, collaborate, and transact.
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The attendee feature provides a profile for each participant, offering information such as name, affiliation, and contact details. It serves as a directory for attendees, facilitating networking and connection opportunities during the event.

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Networking features enable participants to connect with each other based on shared interests, professional backgrounds, or other criteria. It fosters meaningful connections and collaboration opportunities, enhancing the overall event experience.

Participants Networking

  • View all publicly visible participants based on categories
  • Search participants based on names or tags
  • Bookmark participants & add into personal favorites
  • Send private or group messages to participants
  • Suggest meetings based on shared calendars
  • Add contacts into Leads Management module
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The meetings feature allows attendees to schedule one-on-one appointments or group meetings within the event platform. It streamlines the coordination process and ensures that participants can make the most of their networking opportunities.

Meeting Management:

  • Schedule meetings with participants, exhibitors & sponsors
  • Manage your calendar of meetings
  • Invitations to meetings are organized in "Sent" and "Received" categories
  • Plan locations of meetings
  • Keep meeting notes
  • Integrated search to find a specific meeting fast and easily
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Private Chats
Private Chats

Private chat functionality enables attendees to engage in one-on-one conversations. It provides a platform for more personalized and confidential communication, fostering deeper connections and discussions among participants.

  • Send private messages to participants that accept messages
  • Create small or larger group chats with other participants. Manage group and corresponding messages.
  • Leverage in-app notifications to provide an integrated experience
  • Use home-screen push notifications to alert users
  • Combine personal messages with overall organizer's alerts and messages
  • Search chats for keywords and discussions
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Group Chats
Group Chats

Group chat features facilitate communication among multiple participants in a collaborative setting. Attendees can join discussions on specific topics, sessions, or areas of interest, enhancing the sense of community within the event.

  • Create small or larger group chats with other participants. Manage group and corresponding messages.
  • Leverage in-app notifications to provide an integrated experience
  • Use home-screen push notifications to alert users
  • Combine personal messages with overall organizer's alerts and messages
  • Search chats for keywords and discussions
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The competition feature introduces gamification elements to the event, encouraging attendee participation through challenges, quizzes, or interactive activities. It adds an engaging and competitive aspect, driving increased interaction and interest.

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The leaderboard displays the rankings of participants based on their engagement, activity, or achievements within the event. It incentivizes attendees to actively participate in networking, competitions, or other interactive features, creating a sense of competition and recognition.


  • Provide point structure for participants
  • Points can be credited automatically based on different system transactions, e.g.
  • Commenting on topics
  • Liking content
  • Media Uploads
  • Specific contributions
  • Display overall points or ranked categories
  • Award prices based on the point system
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Station/AR (Augmented Reality)

Station/AR features incorporate augmented reality technology into the event, providing interactive and immersive experiences. This can include virtual stations, product demonstrations, or interactive AR elements that enhance engagement and entertainment.

Station Trails:

  • Show lists and maps of indoor and/or outdoor stations
  • Indicates visual and text-details of each checkpoint
  • Scanning of QR code or NFC Chip for check-in
  • QR code Reader in-built into the app, provided the mobile phone has a camera
  • NFC reading function in-built, provided the mobile phone has NFC-reading capabilities
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Around Me
Around Me

The "Around Me" feature uses geolocation technology to help participants discover nearby attendees, booths, or points of interest within the event venue. It enhances networking opportunities by facilitating connections with people and activities in close proximity.

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Video Conferencing
Video Conferencing

Video conferencing features enable virtual meetings and sessions, allowing participants to connect remotely. It accommodates both onsite and remote attendees, providing a flexible and inclusive environment for discussions, presentations, and collaborative activities

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